Recalls and service campaigns

Recalls address defects relating to motor vehicle safety and non-compliances with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. In the interest of safety, any recall affecting your vehicle should be completed without delay.

Service campaigns address product technical issues not directly related to safety or compliance and also can be emissions-related in scope. Service campaigns should be completed promptly in order to help prevent the problem from occurring in your vehicle.

The search tool below will return information on applicable recalls/service campaigns with customer notifications made during the last 15 years. For additional information: please contact your authorized Volkswagen dealer or contact us.

Check your vehicle

Your 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) can be read from the outside of the vehicle through the viewing window on the windshield, located to the side of the lower section of the windshield in front of the driver's seat. Your VIN can also be found in several other locations as well.

Feature App Version :: Recalls :: e60a7866
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
Last updated Invalid date
*Please note that the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) does not use the letters “O, ” “I, ” or “Q.”
To schedule your service, visit Find a Dealer to find the dealer nearest you. Please contact Volkswagen Customer CARE for assistance.
Additional resources
VW dealership building.

TDI emissions settlement program

Learn more about this settlement as well as ways to modify or buyback the select VW models involved.

Emissions Modification Lookup

Learn about the TDI Settlement ProgramOpens an external link

Illustration of airbag deploying.

Takata driver front airbag safety recall

If you have yet to address this potential safety issue, please schedule an appointment immediately. We’ll take care of this recall at no charge to you. To view frequently asked questions regarding the Takata Driver Front Airbag Safety Recall, click below.

Learn moreOpens an external link

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